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We are open to all who seek to worship, learn, and serve the community.

Contact (602) 944-3359 or with questions about service information.
Daily Minyan link available upon request. 

Daily Minyan

Monday-Thursday: 7:15 am Shaharit | 5:45 pm Mincha & Maariv
Friday: 7:15 am Shaharit | 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
Sunday & Federal Holidays: 8:15 am Shaharit | 5:45 pm Mincha & Maariv
Rosh Chodesh: 7:00 am Shaharit | 5:45 pm Mincha & Maariv

Monday and Thursday morning services and Friday evening services are held in the Roth Family Chapel and on Zoom. Wednesday evening services are student-led in the Roth Family Chapel and on Zoom. 
All other services are on Zoom only, except when noted.

Services at  Beth El Phoenix are a learning experience.  During or after the service, members of the Minyan are encouraged to ask if they have a question or comment regarding the structure of the service, the meaning of a prayer, the interpretation of the Torah portion or the practice of Judaism. Our goal is to broaden the understanding of Jewish prayer and, through better understanding, help establish each individual’s relationship with G-d. 


Shabbat services are held on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am in the Shapiro Sanctuary.
Click here to view the Shabbat livestream for virtual worship.

Shabbat Mincha and third meal is held once per month in-person only.
Saturday evening Zoomdalah & Maariv is held twice per month on Zoom only.

Thu, November 7 2024 6 Cheshvan 5785