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Yahrzeit Donations

To make a donation in memory of a loved one's yahrzeit, please use this form or call (602) 944-3359.

Type the name of whose Yahrzeit you are commemorating.

Memorial Plaques

For a one-time contribution of $360.00, Beth El Congregation will memorialize a loved one by providing: 

1. a memorial plaque which will be placed permanently in the Shapiro Sanctuary. 

2. a second plaque which will be displayed the month of yahrzeit in the Roth Family Chapel. 

3. a listing, in perpetuity, in the memorial book used by Beth El Congregation on the four Yizkor dates. 

4. annual reminders of the yahrzeit to you and any other family members whose address you give us. 

To ensure adjoining plaques, reserved plaques may be ordered as well. 

Purchaser's Personal Information

Memorial Plaque Information


Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785